What if only you were -photo exhibition
Group21 collective’s photo exhibition Little Finlandia Finlandia Gallery 3. – 28.2.2025
What if only you were? You would stop here, look and listen, sense and give calm to bear. Light falls and travels through the room, casting a shadow and sticks their picture on paper. The gaze seeks and seeks, limits reality and time, You see what you have and you see what you no longer have.
The seventh group exhibition of the Group 21 collective was born out of a need for peace. Peace is a state in which there is no war, disturbance or quarrel. It is inner calm, serenity and calmness, time to think, sense and concentrate. Group photographers look at peace each from its own point of view. It can be found in timeless interiors, slow techniques and daring to just be.
The exhibition features digital and analog prints as well as cameraless photography.
The photographers of the exhibition are Ari Laine, Pia Lauronen, Jussi Mankki, Kristiina Mähönen, Sari Möttönen, Tarakini Rainaho, Perttu Sironen and Riikka Thomas. The exhibition is on display as a larger entity at Stoa’s Loft Gallery in summer 2025. There are exhibitions supported by the Zachris Castrén Foundation.
Opening hours:
Mon-Sat 11-18
Sun closed